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UOPX Exploring Health Promotion and Health Education in Nursing Responses



A nursing
intervention that we have implemented is rounding daily with the patient’s care
team. With implementation, the patient’s primary nurse, the charge nurse, and
the patient’s primary hospitalist meet with the patients to ensure the needs
physically and socially are being addressed in our hospital. The
hospitalists then meet every day with care management and pharmacist to ensure
the patient’s discharge is safe and all their needs will be met once the
patient is discharged.

hospitals, delivering the best medical/surgical care is a “team sport.” The
goals include: Maximizing patient safety and satisfaction, decreasing the LOS,
and increasing the quality of outcomes. Added benefits include optimizing
healthcare workers’ performance, reducing hospital costs/complications, and
increasing job satisfaction. ( Epstein, 2019).

rounding is a best practice intervention to routinely meet patient care needs,
ensure patient safety, decrease the occurrence of patient preventable events,
and proactively address problems before they occur. The Institute for
Healthcare Improvement (IHI) endorsed hourly rounding as the best way to reduce
call lights and fall injuries and increase both quality of care and patient
satisfaction. Nurse knowledge regarding purposeful rounding and infrastructure
supporting timeliness are essential components for consistency with this
patient-centered practice. (Daniels, 2016).

care occurs when professionals from various disciplines work together to
deliver comprehensive care that addresses as many of the patient’s health and
other needs as possible. As a patient’s condition changes over time, the team’s
composition may change to reflect the patient’s changing clinical and
psychosocial requirements.


Nursing interventions are integrated into a
multidisciplinary plan of care at Northside by taking the information obtained
during my assessment to get the necessary test, referrals, and or medications
to promote progression of healing in my patient. When a patient is admitted to
my floor and is determined to be a fall risk, by using the Morse fall risk, I
would put in a referral to PT/OT for the patient to be evaluated and assessed
for their mobility limits. If I have a patient that is a newly diabetic or a
uncontrolled diabetic I would place a consult for the diabetic educator and
dietary nutrition. By placing these two consults, I am trying to ensure the
patient is educated on the importance of dietary and lifestyle changes, as well
as the importance of monitoring their blood sugar and taking diabetic
medications as prescribed. If a patient is diagnosed with CHF or COPD
Excerbation and is on a high amount of O2, a referral for O2 walking to see if
the patient would require home O2. In the event that home O2 is deemed
necessary, then case management will order home O2 per patient insurance
protocol. At Northside and Grady the bedside nurse does rounds with case
management to discuss any perceived obstacles to the patient being discharged
in a timely manner. Grady Implements a length of stay, for example CHF
Excerbation patients would are given a length of stay of 4 days, with in that 4
day patients have to have echo, transitioned from iv to po Lasix, and be
cleared by PT/PT. This methods keeps the clinical team assigned to the patient
accountable to make sure all task are completed.