SC 131 Purdue University Blood Type and Lab Report
This Assignment will assess your collective knowledge on the topics covered from Units 1 and 2. Download the Unit 2 Assignment Worksheet and review the instructions. Students will type their answers onto a separate Word Document (.doc).
Please access the Hematocrit and Hemoglobin Concentration and Blood Typing PowerPhys lab in WileyPLUS. As you complete the assigned steps outlined within the Unit 2 Assignment Worksheet, answer the corresponding questions provided on the worksheet. You will NOT complete the entire lab or submit the generated lab report activity. You are to only access PowerPhys to complete the assigned steps from the worksheet and gather background information to successfully answer the questions listed on the Unit 2 Assignment Worksheet.
Submit your answer sheet to the Unit 2 Assignment Dropbox.
Always make sure to save a copy of your submitted Assignment. To view your graded work and instructor feedback, return to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it.