COH 435 AU Coalition Testimony Adult Vaccine Access Coalition Presentation
Each individual will be assigned to a coalition with the goal of addressing a public health issue and policy. The coalition that each person is assigned to will be connected to a specific advocacy/policy issue reviewed in the text. The assignment approximates coalition work, which is a mainstay for public health advocacy.
Each student will represent a pre-selected advocacy coalition in order to address a public health problem and advocate for a policy solution.
Each student will represent a stakeholder agency/organization that is listed as a member of the assigned coalition (see link to the website provided below).
- For example, the Southern AIDS Coalition consists of several organizations: Latino Commission on AIDS; AIDS Alabama; Crescent Cares; Tennessee Department of Health; and Louisiana Office of Public Health.
- Each student will select and become a member organization (for example, student one represents/becomes the Latino Commission on AIDS and student two represents/becomes Crescent Cares).
Coalitions often prepare testimony for public hearings in order to ensure their key messages are voiced and presented to policymakers. Each coalition member organization has a slightly different perspective, but all the messages are intended to influence the policy making body to adopt a specific policy. Each coalition group will develop a presentation of coordinated public testimony to convince policy makers to adopt a policy.
The coalition testimony assignment is completed as a individual
See complete assignment description and rubric in the attachments below.
Assignments (Topic & Coalition):
Coalition One:
- Public Health Problem/Issue: Chapter 6 Public Policy & Tobacco
- Assigned Coalition: Contra Costa Tobacco Prevention Coalition
- Policy Options (select one):
Coalition Two:
- Public Health Problem/Issue: Chapter 6 Public Policy & Tobacco
- Assigned Coalition: Nevada Tobacco Control Prevention Coalition
- Policy Options (select one):
- SB 263 (NV):
- TCA:
Coalition Three:
- Public Health Problem/Issue: Chapter 7 Food, Nutrition, Obesity Policy
- Assigned Coalition: National Alliance for Nutition & Activity (focus on nutrition efforts of the coalition)
- Policy Options (select one):
- Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) of 2010: AND
- Farm to School Act 2019:
Coalition Four:
- Public Health Problem/Issue: Chapter 8 Public Policy and Physical Activity
- Assigned Coalition: Phys Ed 4 All
- Policy Options (select one):
- SB 1083 (AZ):
- SAFETEA-LU: Since this legislation is so large you may want to solely focus on the fact that it will permit the Safe Routes to School program: school/ AND
Coalition Five:
- Public Health Problem/Issue: Chapter 11 Law Policy and Injury Prevention
- Assigned Coalition: Lee County Injury Prevention Coalition
- Policy Options (select one):
- SB 344, Florida: Dori Slosberg and Katie Marchetti Safety Belt Law [CPSC]:
- AB-53:
Coalition Six:
- Public Health Problem/Issue: Chapter 12 Public Policy and Prevention of Violence Against Women
- Assigned Coalition: Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault
- Policy Options (select one):
- Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWRA) 2019:
- AB 41, California:
Coalition Seven:
- Public Health Problem/Issue: Chapter 10 Infectious Disease
- Assigned Coalition: Adult Vaccine Access Coalition
- Policy Options (select one):
- Protecting Seniors Through Immunization Act 2019 (S. 1872/H.R. 5076 ): &
- Community Immunity During COVID-19 Act (H.R. 8061): & chrome-extension://oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm/
Assignment Description & Rubric
- Group Coalition Testimony Assignment Description
- Coalition Testimony Group Presentation Rubric
- Recording A Voiceover in PPT Instructions For both PCs and Macs
- Sample Written Testimony w comments Raise the Wage Act of 2019
- Sample Oral Testimony Food & Nutrition Bill This is a great sample of written testimony for a food/nutrition bill. It is missing a clear “ask” and needs some background statistics. But, it will help to conceptualize and write your testimony so you can then speak and record it.
- and APA Legislative Assistance APA manual doesnt currently have a specific section to describe how to cite legislation, but this link form Cornell may be helpful. The rule to follow is does the citation help the reader know which bill it is. (remember, states and the Federal govt may use similar notation for bills: S for Senate SB for Senate Bill, but it is crucial to know what level and jurisdiction the bills exist).
Review the sample assignment below. Reviewing sample assignments is VERY IMPORTANT, please spend some time to help you get centered on this assignment.
Additionally, view the group coalition testimony recording from a previous course
- YouTube links to view in-class testimony presentations: