HS 415 PG Children Living in Kinship Discussion
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Response 2Support for families & Children in Kinship Janira Davalle posted Nov 15, 2021 5:21 PMSubscribePrevious Next This page automatically marks posts as read as you scroll.Adjust automatic marking as read settingHi everyone, The San Mateo County Safe Start program (SMCSS) provides therapeutic intervention to children ages 0-7 exposed to violence with their kinship families, such as those living with grandparents, non-relatives, or extended families due to violence or drugs abuse from their biological parents. According to SMCSS (RAND, 2011), “approximately seven percent of the county’s children live in such family arrangements.” Children living in kinship are more likely to be living in a low-income household with a higher risk of having difficulties at school, lacking food, and living in poverty (RAND, 2011). Research provided by the Edgewood Center for Children and Families (2004) found that 72% of the kinship children in their program had experienced abuse and neglect, and about 50% had witnessed family violence. Mental health and trauma have impacted the lives of many of the kinship children. As a result of this data, the SMCSS began a “pilot-testing home-based child-caregiver psychotherapy intervention program” that was one hour per week for one year (RAND, 2011). Community members understand that kinship families have been underserved and under-studies; therefore, developing a program to provide care and resources for the children and caregivers is essential. The community understands that early intervention offers promising positive results and can help children process traumatic experiences and reduce adverse behavioral outcomes. Therefore, San Mateo Safe Start has implemented a CPP referral program for kinship families that enter the system. SMCSS addressed the kinship families’ needs by including leading extra training with the local CPP administration agencies and giving them ways of providing early intervention in our local communities. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are present in every community, and I consider them an environmental health problem. When children experience ACEs and have little to no intervention to meet their mental health needs, future issues are likely to arise as they enter the developmental stages of young adulthood. The community can foster support by understanding the real-life struggles that kinship families experience. Having advocacy program will help promote awareness. RAND. (2011). Health and Infrastructure Safety, and Environment. National Evaluation of Safe Start Promising Approaches. San Mateo County, CA. https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/technical_reports/2011/RAND_TR991-1.appendixM.sanmateo.pdfEdgewood Center for Children and Families. (2004). Funding Proposal to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. CFDA Title: Safe Start: Promising Approaches for Children Exposed to Violence, San Mateo County, CA.