Health Medical Homework Help

Stratford Study of Workplace Aggression by Sakellaropoulos Et Al Discussion



For this week’s discussion do the following; 

1. Choose one of the articles posted and read thoroughly.

2. Identify the theoretical framework used in the article you chose (post the name of the theory).

3. Go the reference section of the article and Identify/select at least one primary source and one secondary source (articles) that supports the theoretical framework (list only the reference of these articles).

4.  Now, search the electronic database such as Gale-Infotract on LIRN,  CINAHL, or ProQuest to identify the primary and secondary source  articles you  selected.

Post a brief review of the abstracts of the primary source and secondary source in the article you chose.  

Initial post due and you have to Respond to 2 of your mates 


FIRST RESPOND ……………………….

The article chosen is the article from Sakellaropouluos et al.  (2011). The researcher makes use of the Neuman and Baron Theoretical  model of workplace aggression.

The secondary source that I identified from the reference list is;

Neuman,  J.H., Keashly, L. (2004). Development of the Workplace Aggression  Research Questionnaire (WAR-Q): preliminar)’ data from the Work- place  Stress and Aggression Project, Presented at: the meeting of the Society  for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Chicago, IL.

Abstract:  this study talks about the central thesis which is workplace violence  and how serious its incidence in the workplace. The articles talk about  the importance of developing behavioral modification programs. To do  this, the researcher decided to clarify the concept of workplace  aggression by defining and characterizing tis variables. This is a  secondary resource ebcuase it does not actively and directly carry out a  particular research study. The researchers build up many cases  associated with workplace aggression and then utilize the Neuman and  Baron Theoretical model to explore some mediating strategies that can be  useful in controlling aggressive behaviors. In conclusion, the study  recommends future focus on the area of workplace aggression and  encourages unit leaders to adopt a proactive approach that can  discourage and eliminate workplace aggression. 

The primary resource identified is:

Rosenstein,  A., O’Daniel, M., (2005). Disruptive behavior & clinical outcomes:  perceptions of nurses & physicians: nurses, physicians, and  administrators say that clinicians’ disruptive behavior has negative  effects on clinical outcomes. Nurs Manage, 36(1), 18. 

The  researcher explores the provision of safe and error free care and  determines how disruptive behavior can lead to errors and negative  clinical outcomes. The researcher designed a surgery that directly  examines job satisfaction and retention of nurses. This survey examines  the disruptive behavior of both physicians and nurses, as well as both  groups’ and administrators’ perceptions of its effects on providers and  its impact on clinical outcomes. It was determined that the presence of  disruption in the workplace can negatively affect the job morale and the  job satisfaction of the nurses. Disruption in the workplace can lead to  many errors and can negatively affect the establishment of  interprofessional collaboration in the workplace. This research is a  primary resource because the article itself directly carries out the  study. 


SECOND RESPOND ………………………………….

The article I choose is “Job Satisfaction

Among ED RNs”. Nurse turnover is a day-to-day challenge facing healthcare

organizations leading to a shortage of nurses. Nurse turnover is mainly

affected by nursing job satisfaction.

Theoretical Framework

           The theoretical framework that shaped this research was Herzbergs’ theory of Motivation- Hygiene Factors (1959). He states that motivation factors are factors that satisfy workers like recognition and hygiene factors (Herzberg, F. 2005).

Primary Source 

Pasaron, R. (2013). Nurse practitioner job satisfaction: Looking for successful outcomes. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22, 2593-2604. doi: 10.1111/j.1365 2702.2012.04331.x

            This source is a study of job satisfaction in nursing. It aims to study how job satisfaction is related to nurse turnover and retention. Using descriptive-correlation method of surveying the article finds out that the nurses are dissatisfied with the job mainly due to intrinsic and extrinsic factor (Pasaron, R. 2013). These factors include poor interrelationship among coworkers, lack of recognition of their profession by other senior workers and  the community, and also lack of communication with the management (Pasaron, R. 2013). The study recommends the need for the workers to learn the rewards of intrinsic factors in order to increase their satisfaction.

Secondary Source

Jones, C.B. & Gates, M. (2007). The cost and benefits of nurse turnover: A business case for nurse retention. ANA Periodicals, 12(3). 

Retrieved from ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/TableofContents/Volume 122007/ No3 Sept07/NurseRetention.aspx

           The secondary source included a national database for nursing. This article showed that there is poor relationship between nursing coworkers and therefore helped to come up with appropriate measures to curb this problem. The nursing retention source also showed the strategies of reducing nurse turnover such as enhancing nurses’ management relations and recognizing nursing as a profession (Jones, C.B. & Gates, M. 2007). The OJIN source discovered that many nurses raised this issue of job satisfactions and the reason behind this was raised.


           As seen in this study nursing is a very important sector of the whole health organization . Nurses’ job satisfaction should be considered and be fully addressed.