NYU Fundamental Principles of Resistance Training Outline
I’m working on a fitness project and need support to help me learn.
- Based on the sample resistance training programs guidelines listed on page 119 and utilizing the information in Chapter 6, create AND PERFORM a total body resistance training program for you to do at home or at the gym with only your bodyweight – no added resistance and list the following information:
- Warm-Up: exercise name, muscle targeted, repetitions/time, total duration of warm up
- Workout Exercise Order
- Muscle group targeted
- Exercise Name(s)
- # of Sets/rounds
- # of Repetitions or time period (you can use a timer and do timed intervals or choose to do a specific # of repetitions)
- Rest Periods Between Sets & Exercises
- Cool-Down Exercises: exercise names, total duration of cool down
- Stretching Exercises: exercise name, muscle targeted, volume/time, total duration of stretching
- Written Reflection:
- How was the workout? Was it what you expected?
- What was your experience during it:
- Struggles versus triumphs
- Would you do this workout again? Why or why not?
- What would you change, if anything, for the next time?