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NUR 4829 Lake Sumter State College Nursing Discussion Question


Initial Post (Min. 350 words): As Yoder-Wise (2019, p. 87) stated, “Leadership is not something that exists outside of you, but…comes from the core of who you are. Developing as a leader (means) connecting with your authentic self and (then) integrating your full self into the role of …leader.” Using the leadership insights provided in Yoder-Wise CH 5, describe your ‘authentic self’ and how these attributes influence who you are as a leader. Describe a situation in which you functioned as a leader (formal or informal) in a clinical microsystem. Did your approach reflect transactional leadership or transformational leadership (or a combination)? How did your leadership contribute to the performance of the clinical microsystem? Offer a specific example to illustrate the impact of your leadership in this situation. At a minimum, use readings from Yoder-Wise CHs 5 & 28 to support your experiences.

Note: You may post the initial and 1 response post on the same day; but, the two response posts need to occur on separate days.

Two Response Posts (Min. 250 words,): Conduct a literature search on clinical/nursing leadership competencies. Find at least two current (within the past five years), peer-reviewed NURSING journal articles that articulate competencies for clinical or nurse leaders. Relate three competencies that you found in the literature to the leadership theory identified in classmates’ initial posts. Discuss how the competencies ‘fit’ or complement the leadership theory identified. Cite the articles in-text and as a reference at the end of the posts using APA format.

This assignment reinforces the following End-of-Program Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Synthesize knowledge from nursing science and liberal studies to apply critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and decision-making skills that improve nursing care of individuals, families, and communities throughout the life span.

2. Incorporate effective inter-professional communication and collaboration skills in providing safe nursing care that promotes patient preference, mutual respect, and improved health care outcomes.

3. Analyze the principles of nursing leadership and management in the practice of professional nursing to promote safe and quality outcomes of care in various healthcare environments.