Health Medical Homework Help

University of Georgia Module 2 Health Information Exchange Systems Discussion


I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need an explanation to help me study.

Read Eval. of the St.HLTH info Exch. Coop. Agreem.Prog.– main challenges of HIE implementation in Maine. Are the challenges valid?

Do you find that the challenges are valid especially considering the topics that you reviewed in “Challenges in Health System Interoperability” section.

Health information exchange continues to evolve and plays a major part in a healthcare system. In “Evaluation of the State Health Information Exchange Cooperative Agreement Program,” health information exchange implementation in Maine is discussed. The goal was to connect large health systems in the state through a private, non-profit organization. The organization is Health Info Net. HIN’s mission is to preserve and improve the health in Maine. They plan to do this through a patient centered health system that is safe and interoperable. HIE implementation in Maine faced a few challenges.

Providers proved to be enthusiastic about tracking their patients in real time, but the lack of alignment between provider needs makes it hard for HIN to implement services that prove beneficial to all providers. HIN has been able to accrue large amounts of data, but has been unable to obtain a big amount of users. The providers that are using the system report little integration of HIN into their workflow. This creates a barrier for regular use. This also comes from providers not being able to download the data available in HIN into their native electronic health record.