HLTH 509 Cornell University Health Risk Relationship Analysis Chart
Learning Activity #3:
Risk Relationship Chart Assignment Instructions
Primary risk factors are the most likely proximal influences on the health determinant being considered. Secondary risk factors are influences on primary risk factors, and contributing risk factors influence secondary risk factors. For example, if you selected obesity as the health determinant you wished to address, you may have “excess calorie intake” and “physical inactivity” as primary risk factors. For “excess calorie intake” you may then have “between-meal-snacks,” “high fat intake,” and “high sugar intake.” For each of these you would then have 3 attitudes, behaviors, or circumstances (ABCs) that contribute to them. To address a health determinant, it’s important to understand the factors that lead to the health determinant.
Using the health determinant you addressed in the Learning Activity from last week, identify the risk factors that LEAD TO the health determinant. You will fill in the template titled, Risk Relationship Chart that is provided in this week’s assignment folder and submit your completed chart as your assignment. The chart should essentially be read from right to left, contributing risk factors lead to secondary risk factors, which lead to the primary risk factors, which then directly lead to the Health determinant itself. Make sure you provide descriptions of the health determinant and the primary risk factors, as it states in the template. Also, make sure you complete the chart in its entirety. The number of boxes in each column corresponds to the number of items you should have in that column.