EIU Health Promotion Community Based Service Learning Essay
Reflection offers you an opportunity to practice writing, analyzing and articulating both your academic learning and community service learning experience, as well as record and document your progress toward the course learning objectives. In some instances, you will need to draw from your CbSL experience and readings to successfully complete these assignments.
Introduction to Community-based Service Learning (CbSL). Please answer the following:
1. What are your initial perceptions about, and expectations for, your CbSL site? Reflect on your feelings about Community-based Service Learning and how you expect it to impact your future nursing practice.
2. What are some initial perceptions/understandings about the population(s)you will be serving (i.e. culture, age, socioeconomic status, healthcare needs)?
a. Is the population(s) similar or different from yours?Why is this important to consider?
b. What do you see as potential challengesand/or opportunities forthis experience?