UoP Evidence Based Practice & Challenges with Resources Discussion
Respond to 2 post each with 175 words each with 2 citations
Post #1
I absolutely believe that when evidence based practice is applied, employees in healthcare organizations are more likely to follow changes based on that research. In my opinion, it gives all that are practicing in the medical field a rationale to why changes in the way we practice occur. It gives data to justify doing things differently. When research and data is involved in evidence-based practice, it can make the more skeptical healthcare employees see why new changes are important and how those changes need to occur. There are many common advancements that are well known in the evidence-based practice realm of nursing practice. One common evidence-based practice advancement was finding out the role of too much oxygen in COPD patients. It is well known that COPD has a common symptom of lower oxygenation in the body. It was found out through research and evidence-based practice that when COPD patients are given too much oxygen, in turn they get hypercapnia which means too much carbon dioxide (CMAJ, 2017). With this information, the healthcare team needs to be very careful with supplemental oxygen in COPD patients. Oxygenation is assessed extremely carefully by nurses and physicians.
Harms of overoxygenation in patients with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (2017). CMAJ?: Canadian Medical Association Journal = Journal de l’Association Medicale Canadienne, 189(25), E872. https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.170670
Of the resources you are considering for your project plan, what is the biggest challenge you foresee? Why?
The biggest challenge with resources is conflicting information, studies that are not supportive for using fasting and the ketogenic diet for weight loss. There was an article I was reading several months ago talking about how fasting was not beneficial to weight loss. My social media had a couple news articles making similar claims about fasting and no benefit to weight loss. Several national news publications had articles using the study to state that fasting is no magic bullet and fasting is nothing special. Coca-Cola, Nestle, PepsiCo, Danone and Aria foods are some of the financial supporters for the study showing fasting is no magic bullet (ENP Newswire, 2021). The study looked at lean individuals (BMI of 20-24) that were very healthy with no metabolic disorders such as diabetes (Templeman, Smith, & Chowdhury, 2021). The study looked at weight loss from intermittent fasting against individuals with energy restriction (Templeman, Smith, & Chowdhury, 2021). Looking at healthy, lean people the study determined the lack of benefits from fasting compared to those doing calorie restriction. There were only 12 people that completed the 3-week study (Templeman, Smith, & Chowdhury, 2021). Reading a headline does not mean the title is based on credible facts. Weight loss is a multi-billion-dollar industry. Over my past several years of research on keto and fasting, I have learned that how the study is performed and who paid for the study is just as important if not more important then the results. Headlines don’t make facts; headlines make news and social media buzz. The other challenge that I have regarding data and facts is the limited long-term studies around fasting and the ketogenic diet. I rely more on my long term struggles until there is studies published that show the long term effects of fasting and the ketogenic diet.
Templeman, I., Smith, H., & Chowdhury, E. (2021). A randomized controlled trial to isolate the effects of fasting and energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic health in lean adults. Science Translational Medicine, 13(598).
University of Bath: Intermittent fasting “no magic bullet for weight loss” says new study. (2021, June 18). ENP Newswire.