Mount Vernon Nazarene University Week 5 Nursing Metaparadigms Question
I’m working on a nursing writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.
- Briefly define your personal definitions of the 4 concepts of the Nursing Metaparadigm.
- Having learned about many philosophies, historical theorists, nursing models, & caring theories, write your definitions of the metaparadigm concepts.
- Share briefly about the patient care area/population in which you provide nursing care.
- Describe briefly what you value in nursing and what personally guides your practice.
- Share a brief patient example (case) from your practice area.
- Share the clinical situation the patient was in
- Example: non-compliance, knowledge deficit, lack of caring, lack of cultural awareness, etc.
- Briefly describe a problem you encountered while caring for this patient.
- Discuss the specific problem you the nurse encountered while caring for the patient, not the theory you selected to apply to the problem.
- Develop the beginning of a theory to care for that specific patient scenario/problem/population in general
- List concepts applicable to the situation
- Define at least one concept
- Make a theoretical statement that connects concepts
- Give a rational for why the concepts connect