Chamberlain College of Nursing Fall Incidences in Assisted Living Facilities Paper
·The purpose of this initial paper is to briefly describe your search strategies when identifying two articles that pertain to an evidence-based practice topic of interest.
Each group will formulate research question using PICO format.
Each group member will search, retrieve, and receive approval for 1 PRIMARY DATA ARTICLE to answer the group Research Question.
Paper should include a Title and Reference pages.
Page Length: 3-4 pages Excluding Title and Reference pages
·The paper will include the following:
Clinical Question
Research Question
Accurately and clearly states your research question using PICO format
Overview of the Problem
What statistics document this is a problem? (facts and figures)
Significance of the Problem
What health outcomes result from this problem. Why should people be concerned about this problem?
Purpose of Paper
Describe the purpose of topic search strategy (ITSS) paper
Search Strategy
Search Terms
List all terms used to search for your article (i.e. breast cancer, screening, mammography, intervention, assessment, influencing factors….etc.)
Library Databases
List Chamberlain library database used (i.e. EBSCO, CINAHL, Medline, OVID, PubMed….etc.)
Google search engine is NOT the library database
Availability of Articles
How many research articles were available to answer your research question?
Provide numbers of articles, NOT just saying “plenty, sufficient, many…etc.
Refinement Decisions
What decision(s) have changed from your original search strategies? (i.e. peer-review, within last 5 years, primary data article, full-text….etc.)
What was your rationale for your decision to change from original search strategies?
Final Article
Describe decisions you made to specifically select 1 PRIMARY DATA ARTICLE as relevant for answering your Research Question
Level of Evidence
Addresses Topic/Relevance to PICO
Describe how article addresses the topic, purpose and key points
Evidence Level Pyramid
Identify and describe the level of evidence based on Evidence Level/Hierarchy Pyramid
Refers to Handout (Quick Guide to Designs in an Evidence Hierarchy)
Study Type
Identify study type of article: Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed-Method Study