Broward Community College Adverse Effects on Human Health Discussion
I’m working on a nutrition discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
agree or disagree peer review response
It is no secret that we all love our snacks, however, we do overlook the many negative effects of processed foods. To live a healthy life, one must consider having a nutritional and healthy diet. A diet with ample of nutrients can give the body the energy it wants to work. Healthy meals, daily physical activity and nutrition education can all be a foundation to help us perform at our best, feel energized and avoid health risks. Some of the following concerns to eating junk food are obesity and development of Type 2 diabetes or heart diseases. Junk food is the pre-packed food that has low nutritional value. It is unhealthy food that is high in calories, sugar, and fat.
Obesity rates have risen in the last few years due to the nutrition that is being provided to our children at schools, most of these foods obtained from bending machines are nothing but junk, containing high amounts of calories and no real nutrition. We know that our children spend all day sited in class, and everyone likes to snack throughout the day. However, parents and the school community can teach healthier options, such as fruits that containing vitamins, or teach the importance of feeding our bodies, and drinking lots of water to maintain hydrated and less of sodas filled with sugars, which all can contribute to type 2 diabetes and in the long run affect our health drastically.
Nutrition is the most important aspect in our lives, fueling ourselves properly can make a big difference in our health. Eating right does not have be boring or called a “diet” but slowly implementing vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates, and lean protein can make such a big impact in one’s lifestyle. Getting active in some way every day is good for the heart, physical activity can truly help overall health and create a bond between the mind and the body. Exercise can release endorphins that help enhance the spirit and alleviate tension from the daily stress. Working out doesn’t necessarily have to be at a local gym, or even involve running miles on a treadmill, but maybe taking a steady walk, bike ride, or playing a sport to incorporate movement will always lead to amazing results and prevent health risks.
So, what if we shifted our mindset to think like athletes do? You have a starting point, and you focus on performing to the best of your ability. Not on winning, not on comparing yourself to others, nothing but doing what you can to become the best version of ourselves. It all starts early in the morning, having a glass of water before making breakfast and setting intentions for the day ahead to care for your health. Incorporating small changes including moving your body, adding fermented and more fiber-rich foods, enough rest, and the right natural supplements such as prebiotics and probiotics can definitely improve gut health and prevent illness. Guiding our children starting from a young age can make a huge difference in their lives and increased life span. We all must seek to prevent saturated fats, or too much sodium, inadequate servings and instead compliment our bodies with delicious natural foods, that indeed will keep us away from heart disease, stroke, diabetes, hypertension among other risks. To conclude, a healthy diet, physical activity and engaging with social activities may help reduce risk and we ought to reap the benefits for caring to the max.