HCR 210 RSC Health Related Issues Respect for Human Dignity Discussion
Question 1:
Provision 1.1 of the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics states:
1.1 Respect for Human Dignity
A fundamental principle that underlies all nursing practice is respect for the inherent dignity, worth, unique attributes, and human rights of all individuals. The need for and right to health care is universal, transcending all individual differences. Nurses consider the needs and respect the values of each person in every professional relationship and setting; they provide leadership in the development and implementation of changes in public and health policies that support this duty.
Based on the assigned reading, which ethical theory/theories seem to be embodied by this provision? There are several right answers to this question; you will need to defend your answer through careful reasoning, using your textbook and academic sources to support your answer.
Question 2:
Provision 8.1 of the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics states:
8.1 Health Is a Universal Right
The nursing profession holds that health is a universal human right. Therefore, the need for nursing is universal. As the World Health Organization states: “…the highest attainable standard of health is a fundamental right of every human being.” This right has economic, political, social, and cultural dimensions. It includes: access to health care, emergency care, and trauma care; basic sanitation; education concerning the prevention, treatment, and control of prevailing health problems; food security; immunizations; injury prevention; prevention and control of locally endemic diseases and vectors; public education concerning health promotion and maintenance; potable water; and reproductive health care. This affirmation of health as a fundamental, universal human right is held in common with the United Nations, the International Council of Nurses, and many human rights treaties.
Based upon the assigned reading, which ethical theory/theories seem to be embodied by this provision? There are several right answers to this question; you will need to defend your answer through careful reasoning, using your textbook and academic sources to support your answer.
Question 3:
Describe the purpose of a professional code of ethics. Remember to use your textbook and academic sources to answer this question.
Response to each question must
- be in the form of a 150 to 250-word well-developed paragraph
- contain well-developed sentences, correct spelling, and proper grammar
- demonstrate your achievement of those objectives for the lesson in your response
- include data, facts, key terminology, specific examples and direct quotations from the textbook and other resources to support your main point.
- include appropriate citation and a resource list for all sources used.
- For all 200 level courses, your textbook and at least one outside academic source are required.