Health Medical Homework Help

UNLV Expansion of The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education Letter


Examine a current nutrition issue in Nevada or nationally in which policy or regulation plays a role and write a letter to an elected official stating the issue, identifying your concern or interest in the issue, and actions you are requesting the official take in regard to the issue. The letter should be written in a business letter format and be typed in a 12 pt. font. Hand written letters will not be accepted.

You may identify an issue through the news, communications or action alerts from AND, or a site you visit during your community rotation that is monitoring a specific policy issue. Nevada issues can be accessed at

Evaluation: The letter will be evaluated on format, grammar, and clarity with which the information is relayed.


To gain experience in writing on a policy issue.

To develop advocacy skills.

To practice organizing thoughts on a topic in a succinct and action oriented manner.