HUE Scale Worksheet
Explore the capacity of your selected media as you develop hue scales, stepped gradations in color.
Design your own hue scale logic and be prepared to explain what you did when you embed images of your hue scales in the discussion reply.
- Make a few studies on separate pages or in your sketchbook.
- Post images of what you produced.
- Describe your logic, discoveries, and indicate your media.
hue = color
We are using subtractive color (pigments).
Color that is varied with light is additive.
Value Scales
- Tints = hue = white
- Shades = hue + black
Saturation or tone scales
- hue + complement, near complement, or gray
- White can be a pigment that is physically mixed or over-layed.
- Thin or textured applications of pigment will allow the eye to mix the hue with white paper support that shows through.
- Black can be a pigment that is physically mixed or over-layed.
- Thin or textured applications of pigment will allow the eye to mix the hue with a black paper support that shows through.
- An underpainting or black gesso grounding on mixed media paper can produce an archival black support