COMP 333 Southwestern College Survey Design Questions
- Write a short paragraph about what the goal of your survey is. For example, do you want to understand how in person classes are progressing across classes? Do you want to understand how an instructor could change a particular class?
- Based on the goals of your survey that you have identified above, what are the concepts that you are trying to measure? List these concepts with a sentence explaining each. Build out a hierarchy if it is helpful to break them down into subconcepts.
- Create a survey to measure the concepts you identified. For this survey, you must use at least 10 questions. In your pdf document, list the question and what concept it is measuring.
- Make a survey in google docs. You can do this by opening your google drive and going to new and clicking on google forms. I would recommend starting a form without a template.
- In the survey, you will create the question and answer choices. You will be graded on the alignment of question format with what you are trying to measure and the alignment of the question with the guidelines discussed in class.
- Attach a link to your survey in the document.