Humanities Homework Help

State University of New York at Farmingdale Research and Design Psychology Paper


  1. Indicate if the claim is frequency, association, or causal. 
  2. For each claim, state the variable(s) at the conceptual level. 
  3. For each variable, state at the operational level (the operational definition of the conceptual variable) 
    1. Speculate about how it might be operationalized 
  4. What kind of study would be needed to support this claim? 


1.In an unequal society, feeling richer than others makes you a jerk.

2.Instagram could predict depression, new research suggests.

3.Giving kids sips of beer turns them into teenage drunks.

4.High “normal” blood sugar may still harm brain.

5.Want a higher GPA? Go to a private college.

6.Safe drivers spot hazards.

7.Active sex life may lead to improved job satisfaction.

8.Report: 16% of teens have considered suicide.

9.Breastfeeding may boost children’s IQ.

10.Breastfeeding rates hit new high in United States.

11.Many students don’t know when news is fake.

12.Worry may make women’s brains work overtime.

13.Happier families put kids to bed early.



Indicate if the claim is frequency, association, or cause

State each variable(s) at the conceptual level.

State each variable at the operational level (speculate)

What kind of study would be needed?


1. In an unequal society, feeling richer than others makes you a jerk.


(Verb is “makes”)

  1. Feeling richer than others or not 
  2. Being a jerk or not 
  3. Asking people to drive an expensive or cheap car 
  4. Stopping for pedestrian in crosswalk