Ethics Written Case Analysis
Choose from Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues, Case 11, p. 189 or Case 16, p. 181 and compose an 800-word written analysis in which you identify the moral issue(s) and the parties involved. Take a balanced moral position offering a recommendation or a policy resolution. Please draw on any three approaches to ethics from utility, duty, rights, virtue, or care
11. Anticipating the possibility that their soldiers may one day be captured by the enemy, some modern armies include in their basic training exposure to torture techniques. That is, they subject their own troops to mild forms of torture in order that they may learn how to resist it. Is this practice justifiable morally? If you believe it is justifiable only under certain conditions, specify the conditions.
16. Some countries, notably Great Britain, have initiated maintenance programs for drug addicts. Merely by signing up, an addict becomes entitled to free drugs in doses sufficient to stabilize and maintain his or her habit. Such programs reduce the incidence of drug-related crimes and facilitate research into the phenomenon of addiction. Some critics, however, claim that these programs are immoral because they approve and support physically and emotionally harmful behavior. Is this criticism ethically valid?
Ruggiero, Vincent; Ruggiero, Vincent. Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues (p. 180). McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Kindle Edition.