Humanities Homework Help

ASU Indigenous Religions of North America and Africa Concept Map


I’m working on a religion multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

  1. Show the overall cosmology of indigenous religions in the Americas (pp 34-44). You can work with one or both of the following definitions of cosmology:
    1. Brodd defines this cosmology as: “We will look particularly closely at beliefs about creation and human origins, the interrelationship of humanity and other elements of the world, and the nature of sacred language” (pp34-35).
    2. In my lecture PowerPoints, I define cosmology as who and what a religio-culture’s world is filled with and how humans in that religio-culture relate with everything and everyone in that universe.
    3. If you choose to draw pictures, make sure to label the parts of this cosmology. 
  2. Then, show how one detail from one nation (see the map on 32 for the names and locations of indigenous nations represented in this chapter) fits and works within this cosmology. Here’s how to do this: 
    1. Choose a detail from anywhere in the chapter. This can be a structure or building, a ritual, a ritual object, an organization, etc…
    2. Show that detail within your cosmological map and label the name of the detail and the nation whose religio-culture it is part of.
    3. Label parts of this detail to show how this detail (building, ritual, object, organization, etc…) connects people within this religio-culture to other parts of their cosmological world.