Humanities Homework Help

Psychology Concepts and Relevance to Current Pandemic Questions


  1. Choose 5 different terms or topics from 5 different chapters in the course. List those 5 terms and their definitions at the top of the first page of your paper. Listing them will make it 100% certain that I know which terms you are discussing. Choose any terms that you wish, as long as they come from 5 different chapters in the text book. For example, you might choose one related to cognitive development, one related to sexuality, one about schools, one related to work, and one related to problems. Those are just examples. There are endless possibilities.
  2. Write an approximately 5 page paper (double spaced) in which you explain how your terms are relevant to the current pandemic. Just as you may choose any terms that you wish, feel free to focus on any aspects of the pandemic. As some examples, you might want to talk about quarantine rules, isolation, online school, mental health, uncertainty, economic impact, or any other theme.
  3. Make it interesting to you! You might want to use stories or scenarios to illustrate your points. If you prefer, you can talk about your own experiences. Or you can talk about adolescents in general.
  4. It is fine to focus on only one age group (early adolescents, older adolescents, or emerging adults), but it also is fine to include all of those age groups.
  5. There will be enough information in your text book, class discussions, articles, and classmates’ projects to complete this project. If you would like to include additional sources, you are

allowed to.