DAV Public School British Colonies in North America Discussion Questions
I’m working on a history question and need support to help me learn.
Support your answers with specific evidence from the lectures and course
materials. No other sources may be consulted. The exam is designed to assess
your mastery of the material covered in this course.
Answer exactly two questions from the list below. Each answer should be written
in the form of a short essay of 1.5 to 2 double-spaced pages (standard font and
margins). Footnotes are required and won’t be treated as part of your page count.
To maximize the space available to you, avoid wordy introductory paragraphs
and convoluted sentences; instead, be direct and get straight to the point.
Because this exam is assessing your own knowledge and work, you are forbidden
from collaborating with other students or anyone else, including the HUB
Writing Center. Your answers should be more polished than in a timed in-class
exam but will not be held to the same writing and formatting standards as your
paper assignments.
You must support your answer with specific examples from material covered
in lecture or the sources examined in this course. A strong essay will include a
clearly stated thesis in the first paragraph, and will refer to supporting evidence
from the course to substantiate that thesis. You may wish to sketch out the main
points of your essay before beginning to write, as several minutes spent outlining
your answer will improve its quality and probably save you time in the long run.
To what extent did European colonizers and Indigenous peoples become
dependent upon one another during the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries? -
In what respects did the British colonies in mainland North America
become more alike between the late 1600s and 1760, even as they grew
more diverse? -
Pluralism (both ethnic and religious) and a separation of church and state
have become cherished American concepts. To what extent did the British
North American colonies reflect these ideals, both in their origins and in
their subsequent development?
Since this is an open book exam, you must cite your source material. Examples:
1. John Winthrop, “A Model of Christian Charity (1630),” in Kevin B.
Sheets, ed., Sources for America’s History, Volume 1: To 1877
(Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2018), 23.
2. Winthrop, 23-24.
If you cite another document or essay from a book you have already cited:
3. Thomas Hariot, “A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land
of Virginia (1588),” in Sources, 4.
To cite from a lecture:
4. Gregory Wigmore, lecture, “Native America,” Sept. 23, 2020.
or 4. Gregory Wigmore, Lecture 1, “Native America”
Required Texts
Kevin B. Sheets et al., ed., Sources For America’s History, Volume I: To 1877 (9h ed.,
Bedford, 2018)
Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (Dover, 1995)
Jonathan Fetter-Vorm and Ari Kelman, Battle Lines: A Graphic History of the Civil
War (Hill and Wang, 2015)
Optional Recommended Text
Gary B. Nash et al., The American People: Creating a Nation and a Society, Volume 1 (
8th ed., Pearson, 2017)