SOC 110 NON Intro to Sociology Durkheim and Marx 12 Concepts Essay
Answer 12 Concepts in a Sociological explanation in your own words and a essay question which demonstrates clarity, understanding and analysis (contexualize, context and significance).
- Mechanical Solidarity
- Group-Based Culture
- Organic Solidarity
- The Cult of the Individual
- Formal Institution
- Manifest Function
- Latent Functions
- Dysfunction
- Anomie
- Egoistic, Altruistic, and Anomic Suicide
- Collective Effervescence
- Inequality
- Political Economy
- Reverse Auction
- Species-Being
- Relations, Means, and Mode of Production
- Labor Power
- Commodity Fetishism
- Feudalism
- The Three Truths of History (Materialist Conception of History)
- Bourgeoisie
- Proletariat
- Promises of Capitalism
- Marxist Profit Motive
- Crisis of Overproduction
- Wage Slave
- Alienation
- Class Consciousness
- The End of History
Essay Questions:
- Durkheim and Marx both make predictions about where our society is headed. Please explain, compare and contrast their predictions. In your opinion, whose predictions are most accurate – i.e. most likely to come true? Please explain why you feel that way and provide contemporary examples in support of your argument.
- Pick a prominent social issue/problem and analyze it from a functionalist (Durkheim) and Conflict Theory sociological point of view. Your analysis should make clear what unique insights each perspective offers for understanding your social issue/problem. It should also tease out key similarities and differences between each perspective. Last, please discuss which of the three perspectives you think offers the most insightful take on your social issue and why you feel that way.