Humanities Homework Help

Howard University Essential Case for Judicial Review Cases Analysis Paper


In 5 typed double spaced pages please respond to the following topic, compare the two cases for which one is essential for judicial review : Marbury vs Madison &  United  States  Vs  LOPEZ. 

Judicial power is largely a construction of the judiciary itself. The US Constitution does not say what the precise power of the US Supreme Court is supposed to be, though it does hint at the jurisdiction in some cases. Given the cases that we have discussed in the class on the nature of judicial power and the separation of powers, make a case for whether or not the Supreme Court should have the power to overturn laws that Congress and the President believe to be constitutional. What is the essential case for judicial review in the cases that we have studied thus far? Does the Supreme Court’s power extend too far or not far enough or is it just right?

BOOK: American Constitutional Law: vol 1