Humanities Homework Help

COOL 536 Paine College VAK Learning Styles Assessment Mental Status Exam

Please find a partner, and conduct the VAK Learning Styles assessment. There is an additional file that is dedicated to improving your interpretation.

Similar to previous weeks, your write up will include:

Identifying Information

Observations (Here there is a change. Go to page 345 & 346 of your text. Conduct a Mental Status Exam and document the results here in the Observations section. For almost all the sections, you can assess simply by looking at your partner. Some you may have to ask questions. Information and Intelligence: ask to do a simple mental calculation. Ask them who the first president of the United States was. Judgement and Insight: ask what would you do if you found a sealed/addressed letter on the street. Ask them what would they do if they smelled smoke in a crowded movie theater. Reliability: Ask them to describe the last room they were in [provided you know what it looks like and can varify their description]. You’re not trying to trick anyone, nor find the cieling on any of these domains. You’re getting a quick, general idea of their overall current functioning. Concentration & Distractability you can assess after they have completed the test and you can make comments similar to the previous weeks on the environment related to their level of distractability.)






