Humanities Homework Help

Harvard School of Business Survey Research Analysis

Survey research consists of constructing a questionnaire that contains items (i.e. questions) to collect data and administering the questionnaire to selected respondents (i.e. people who answer the questions). It sounds really simple at first glance. Select a topic, create a few questions, distribute. But, quality surveys are actually really challenging! They take much more thought, time, and review. Scholars have to stay mindful of question content, response choices, repetition, respondent fatigue, demographics, relevance, etc. It isn’t just the question items that matter, but also the appearance and formatting, the language used in the questions, the mode used to administer the survey, etc. This assignment will challenge you to think like a survey researcher, paying attention to the details of your survey and how they may affect data collection and quality.

1- Create a copy of the questionnaire (i have it down below as a copy) in your Google Drive.
2- Open the questionnaire in Google Docs.
3- Using the highlighter in the editing toolbar, highlight 10 different errors in the survey.
* No repeating! This means a spelling error will only count as one error, even if there are multiple spelling errors. 

4-At the end of the document, create a numbered list that identifies the error (use course terminology if it exists!), why it is problematic, and how you would fix it.
* E.g. Spelling Error–may confuse respondent; change to “without” or Leading Introduction–may bias respondent; remove the statement explaining what the study is about and replace with a general statement of the survey being about food preferences.