Humanities Homework Help

Florida State University Physical Aspects of Aging Case Study Questions

What is the major issue(s) faced by the client and/or caregiver and the client’s and/or caregiver’s needs?

1 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWhat specific services and resources might be helpful to the client and/or caregiver?

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWhat considerations (e.g., obstacles) are there for the client and/or caregiver regarding accessing and/or using the services or resources? AND address how such obstacles might be overcome**As social workers, our job is not to force things on clients that they do not want (social workers value individuality, self-determination & autonomy); if clients and caregivers are at odds, a social worker may have to decide who the designated client is – this can be sticky when you advocate for the client and the caregiver (or other health care professional) do not like the client’s choice; usually in such cases, situations can be mediated and clients’ wishes respected but a social worker may have to stick their neck out to stand behind a client (ethical)

2 pts