Humanities Homework Help

ANTH 007 Anthropology Language and Social Stereotypes Discussion

This is an exercise prompting you think about how you can connect language(s) to
social, cultural, and political bearings in your everyday life. The goal of this project is for
you to realize that (1) linguistic practices are far from neutral casualties, but are deeply
embedded in social and cultural contexts, and (2) observing linguistic ideologies and
practices that you have taken for granted can reveal a great amount of social, political
and cultural nuances that you have not contemplated before.
For this assignment, please, 1. interview people -record and transcribe if necessary, 2.
discover/detect ideas about language, 3. analyze how language is deeply related to social
stereotypes, and 4. write it in the form of an essay.

Here is the guide for the essay and the resources, ( pls use the interview resource below in the essay)