Humanities Homework Help

Park University Unit 8 Kice Sweet Cookies Business Plan Analysis

The final will be comprehensive, covering all the material we have studied in class. It will cover the chapters from Units 1-–8. You will have 2 hours to take the final.


  • Compare and contrast the major theoretical perspectives of the family. (ULO1)
  • Critique cultural, social, and historical influences on the family. (CLO2)
  • Compare families across cultures and societies. (CLO3)
  • Appraise alternative configurations such as remaining single, cohabiting, and remaining childless. (CLO4)
  • Evaluate the causes and consequences of separation, divorce, remarriage, intimate partner violence, aging, and poverty on the family. (CLO5)
  • Reflect and apply class knowledge to everyday life and personal lives. (CLO6)