QU Multiculturalism in Canada and its Complex Discourse Discussion
consider the meaning of the term “multiculturalism” in relation to how it is understood and applied in Canada as well as in one other context. Discuss your assumptions and expectations about what this term means. Have you heard it before? In what ways? Take the time to engage with the text of the Multiculturalism Act itself (https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-18.7/page-1.html), as well as with the critical concerns raised in the required article listed below (Fleras 2002). Does this information differ from your previous exposure to the term or from your expectations and assumptions? Finally, using one of the following article sources, consider how “multiculturalism” is used as a strategy for managing diversity in another country. How does this differ from the Canadian context? Discuss what each of these approaches means for understanding the concepts of culture and intercultural communication.
You are required to read and refer to the discussion in the following article:
Fleras, Augie 2002 “Multiculturalism as critical discourse: Contesting modernity”. Canadian Issues. 9-11 You are also asked to choose one of the following articles to contrast with the Canadian example.
Modood, Tariq, 2006. British Muslims and the politics of multiculturalism. In Multiculturalism, Muslims, and Citizenship: A European Approach Edited by Tariq Modood, Anna Triandafyllidou, and Ricard Zapata-Barrero. Florence: Routledge. pp. 37-56.
Bousetta, Hassan and Dirk Jacob, 2006. “Multiculturalism, citizenship, and Islam in problematic encounters in Belgium”. In In Multiculturalism, Muslims, and Citizenship: A European Approach Edited by Tariq Modood, Anna Triandafyllidou, and Ricard Zapata-Barrero. Florence: Routledge. pp. 23-36.
Mahajan, Gurpreet 2005. “Indian Exceptionalism or Indian Model: Negotiating Cultural Diversity and Minority Rights in a Democratic Nation-State”. In Multiculturalism in Asia, edited by Will Kymlicka and Baogang He. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 288-317.
McCarty, Susan K. 2009. “Culture, the nation, and Chinese minority identity”. In Communist Multiculturalism: Ethnic Revival in Southwest China. Seattle: University of Washington Press
If you are listing direct quotes please make sure you have them in quotation marks and clearly indicate the source in your writing. Please use APA style for any additional citations, including the textbook and the required sources listed in the assignment.