Humanities Homework Help

FSU Anxiety by Arthur Pink Is Anxiety as Powerful to Be a Sin Summary


I’m working on a religion question and need support to help me learn.

Find a historical sermon delivered by a Christian speaker to a Christian audience.  Below is a link that may help you find options:

Chapel Library

You may also find a sermon using this source: Historical Sermons – WallBuilders

You are required to cite one source (where you retrieved the sermon).  If you use information from any other source (such as the Bible), you should cite that source.  

Tell us some biographical information about the speaker such as

  • Title, if applicable (i.e. Doctor, Pastor, etc.)
  • Religious affiliation (denomination, position within the church)
  • Political or historical identity
  • Any relevant event or date when it was delivered or written

Summarize their primary thesis/purpose and main ideas, including quotations from the sermon.  

Evaluate the speaker’s message.  Tell us what you think is good about it (or not), what you agree/disagree with or both.  Make a judgment about the message.  Use personal experience to illustrate your points.