EDDD 8113 WU Sensitivity and Understanding among Principals Discussion
Assignment: Initial Problem Statement
Your first task as a doctoral researcher is to begin a search for your research problem. Consider your passion. What do you care about? What problem in your educational specialization interests you the most? Try to express this in a single sentence that begins with the words, “The problem is…” This can be your starting point in developing your research problem.
Note that your research problem must also be considered a problem in the education discipline by published researchers. Your work builds on, and adds to, the work other scholars have done. To determine if your research problem is current, you need to search the most recent peer- reviewed literature. At this point in your study, seek reference literature that has been published within the last 5 years.
To prepare:
- Review the required readings, media, and resources.
- Use your citation management software and Boolean logic, as you seek evidence from the literature that justifies pursuing this research problem.
- Remember the literature review matrix!
The Module 2 Assignment should be written in correct APA style. Using the simplified DCAF for AEAL students and keeping in mind the types of data limitations reflected in the IRB preapproval manual, draft a problem statement that you will use across the next several weeks . Problem. + Gap in Practice= Research problem
For instance
a. The problem may be around implementation + principal leadership of implementation= we are not sure how principals make sense of their implementation strategies
b. The problem may be around coaching + principal use of coaching= we are not sure how principals best utilize coaches
In sum, the problem you start with here will inevitably modify as you learn more and begin working with your Chair. However, if you keep these few hints in mind you will eventually end up with a great study.