Albany State University Knew an Old Black Man American Literature Annotations
- Now that you have chosen your passage from the list on the close reading assignment instructions, it is time to print and annotate the text. Find the passage in the larger text. Use your cursor to highlight the text of your passage and cut and paste that section into a document that you can print. This work best if you double space the text and leave margins around the text.
- Once you have a print version of your passage, begin annotating it. You can underline, circle, or highlight parts of the text and write your thoughts about those parts in the margins or in between the lines. Use the first paragraph of the close reading assignment instructions to guide your examination of the text. When you are finished, scan or photograph your marked text and submit it here for feedback. Even after you have submitted your text, feel free to mark up the text even more or start again with a clean copy. You might notice new things.
- Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Chapter XIII, par. 19 beginning with “I knew an old black man” and ending with “‘den I hab no fear ’bout dying.’”