SNHU Child and Adolescent Development Concentration Discussion
**topic is: Autism: Child and adolescent development concentration.
The methods section is a thorough description of the procedure you will use for your study, including the following:
- A description of the experimental procedure and the setting for your study
- The types of subjects and how they will be selected and assigned
- How data will be collected, recorded, and analyzed, and a description of the instrumentation used
- The methods for the ethical treatment of subjects (e.g., informed consent, debriefing)
- Clearly described data analysis methods (for the statistics used)
- Results directly related to the original hypothesis and follow logically from the goals and the design of the research (research questions and hypotheses)
- Data used to describe patterns and relationships revealed by the study
- Conclusions are logically summarized and interpreted in relation to the hypothesis and research questions
The results section details the findings from the study and includes the following:
The following critical elements in the Final Project Rubric are related to this milestone:
III. Methods and Results: For the next part of your research report, you will develop the methods and results sections, which in form potential readers of how you conducted your study and what the statistical results of the study were. The selections should contain the following elements, which will demonstrate your ability to detail the process of conducting research and to appropriately convey your results:
A. Explain the methods of how you conducted your study
B. Conduct statistical analyses as appropriate