Top Ten Myths About the Brain and Anthropology Discussion
I want two different explanations for these 2 assignments. It is for 2 students, so everything you do for one student, you do for the other. so we will have 2 answer to question 1 and 2 answers to question 2,
Number 1 assignment: choose one of the books to write on the links below (3 pages)
See below for specific point values. A critical response paper (not a film review) must be submitted for any of the options above. The format for the paper is as follows: 1) describe what you read/saw, 2) incorporate at least 3 concepts or terms learned in class, 3) provide an analysis of your reaction to the experience. Papers should be typed, double spaced & at least 3 FULLtyped pages long, using 11 or 12 pt. font & standard, reasonable margins. If the paper does do not meet this criterion, it will not receive extra credit. The paper should be in your own words, direct quoting/paraphrasing from other sources will result in a loss of credit & may be reported as an incidence of plagiarism.
Books: (Please check the link below for a more complete list of books for extra credit)
into a film, you will need to have watched the
film in order to provide a comparison for your paper (to get the book extra credit points instead of
only the film paper pts.)
Number 2 assignment:
Annual Editions Articles
(300 words for each of the 3-Give a summary)…
The Birth of Childhood:… (Links to an external site.)
We Are All Africans: