University of the Incarnate Word Self Evaluation Essay
you will write a brief (2 pages) Self-Evaluation. The goal of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to reflect upon what you’ve learned over the semester. This self-reflection should address the following questions:
(1)What three concepts or topics did you learn this Semester? (Did any academic concepts become apparent during this semester? Explain three concepts in details).
(2) How did you learn them? (what specific steps or activities that helped you acquire the knowledge you described in Q. 1?).
(3) Why does it matter? (Why did the concepts you describe matter more for you than all the other concepts you did not choose to discuss?).
(4) What might/should be done in light of it? (How would the personal knowledge and concepts you acquired during this semester assist you both in your future educational and career paths? In what way will they have any consequence in your life?)