Gun Ownership and Right To Bear Arm Political Science Discussion
Right To Bear Arm:
This homework assignment will have you explore one of the most debated freedoms in American Government and Politics-the right to bear arms. This second amendment from the US Constitution has caused many civic controversies regarding the balance of freedoms and maintaining public safety.
The homework assignment will have you do the following:
1. Watch the following video: Is Gun Ownership A Right
2. Answer the following questions:
a. Based on what you have read and viewed, explain if gun ownership is a civil liberty or a civil right.
b. What is your view on the right to bear arms in the United States? Support your answer with examples from current events and the US Constitution
c. Explain if you feel if there an instance when the right to bear arms should be infringed.
Gender Inequality:
One of the aspects of civil rights is addressing the inequalities of gender. This short homework assignment deals with Civil Rights and gender equality.
1. Watch this video on gender inequality from a global view and see where the US ranks.
2. Read this Pew Center article on the partisan views of US gender equality.
3. Answer the following questions and submit your answers via iCollege:
a. Based on your readings of the textbook, the article, and viewing the video, what is the biggest issue in the US as it relates to gender equality?
b. How does the textbook define gender as a civil rights component? Please include examples referenced from the textbook.
c. How does our system of government address gender equality?
d. What is you view on gender equality in the United States?