ENG 101 Life University Causes and Effects of Online Dating Essay
The Cause and Effect Essay Assignment
For the second essay assignment, you will be writing a cause and effect paper. Note that you will need to decide if your paper will focus solely on three causes of an issue, three effects of an issue, or if you aim to tackle both causes and effects (three each) of an issue. You MUST choose a topic from the list provided in these instructions.
Below, you will find the list of topics from which you are required to select your subject matter for your essay. Note that your essay should consist mostly of your own ideas. Research is just meant to support your insights. The paper should be 500-1000 words in length; aim to keep to this word count limit to reflect your judicious editorial skills.
Your essay should reflect your use of critical thinking skills as well as your knowledge and understanding of the key precepts of Cause and Effect as studied in the assigned readings from Chapter 9 of St. Martin’s and Sticks and Bones.
Take note of these requirements:
1.Your paper must have a creative title.
2.Underline the thesis statement.
3.Important Note: You need to use at least ONE research resource and no more than 3 research references. Use credible, scholarly resources. Wikipedia is not considered an acceptable reference for college essays (although it’s fine to use for you to get background information on a topic, but not as a cited resource in your paper). Try to find current materials.
Here are links to guidelines on how to use MLA in-text citations and ‘Work Cited’ citations in your essay:
4.Write a focused and compelling introduction and a strong conclusion. Write substantive paragraphs.
5.Avoid using “I” in the Cause and/or Effect Essay. Use the objective or third person point of view.
6.Proofread your essay before submission. Make sure that you correct mistakes in grammar and punctuation. Too many mistakes negatively impact the quality, clarity, and credibility of your writing.
7.Be sure to double-space your essay and to divide it into paragraphs. Essays that are single-spaced or that have only one long body paragraph will get point reductions.
Pay attention to the essays in your textbooks and note their strengths and weaknesses. Consider how you can take their strengths and make them your own, and how you can avoid their weaknesses.
8.Avoid plagiarism, please. Your papers are automatically submitted to a plagiarism checker. A paper that is proven to be plagiarized will automatically receive the grade of ZERO.
Here are additional resources on how to write an effective cause and effect essay:
Topics for the Cause and Effect Essay (Select One for your Paper) :
*Note that you can focus on just writing on causes (3 distinct causes) , effects (3 distinct effects), or causes and effects (3 each) for your chosen topic. You are required to choose one of the following topic choices:
Topic choices
Making Our College Campus ‘Green’
Causes and/or Effects of the Popularity of Fast Food Restaurants (Or, the Causes and/or Effects of Fast Food Restaurants Losing Customers)
Music’s effects on human body
Impact of the Popularity of E-Cigarettes on Youth
Effects of Online Elementary Education in the Time of COVID-19
What is the impact of genetically engineered food
Parents’ Involvement in Their Children’s Sports
Causes and/or Effects of online dating
How travelling the world affects life and personality
Rental Bikes or Scooters Should be Banned
The Reasons why K-Pop Music is so Popular in the U.S.
Causes and Effects of Anime’s Popularity in the U.S.
Why is Naturopathic Medicine Becoming More Popular
The Effects of Having a Pet on Mental Health
Effects of Working at Home during the Pandemic
Effects of Student Loan Debts Upon the U.S. Economy
Causes of Ocean Warming
Content: 60
Use of Research Resources: 15
Organization and Style: 15
Grammar: 10
Total: 100
It is imperative that your paper focus on one of these assigned topics!