African Institute Possibility of Fraud by Using Medical Examinations Question
he reading section of Shoreline Community College’s English placement practise has five passages. Each passage is followed by five multiple-choice questions. Here is a sample:
“Ted Serios is not a normal person. He was in his mid-forties when he was introduced to Jule Eisenbud, Professor of Psychiatry at Denver Medical School in 1963.
“During the next several years, Eisenbud showed that Serios had the bizarre ability to produce images on film by simply staring into a camera. Together, Eisenbud and Serios produced more than two hundred of these “thoughtographs.” Most of them were images of buildings, landscapes, people, and machines. The thoughtographs were created under carefully controlled conditions and the process was observed by many witnesses, some of whom were very skeptical of Serios’ claimed abilities. The experimenters were careful to exclude the possibility of fraud by using methods such as medical examinations and X-rays. They even put Serios in a straightjacket and removed all of his clothes.
“No one has ever been able to give a satisfactory explanation for the pictures that Serios and Eisenbud made.”
1. What is the main idea of this reading passage?
a. A man named Ted Serios met a psychiatrist named Julie Eisenbud.
b. A man was able to create photographic images by looking into a camera.
c. Ted Serios was examined very carefully by scientists.
d. Electromagnetic radiation can create images on film.