Zhejiang University Motivation Speech Drug Abuse among Young People PPT & Paper
I’m working on a humanities project and need a sample draft to help me learn.
the requirements for the presentation
As you invent an argument for your speech, you should focus on identifying behaviors peers should undertake to address a social issue. The action that you suggest should be feasible for your classmates to accomplish and should actually aid in solving the problem. Your main goals for this speech are to intensify your classmates’ concern for the problem by making it especially relevant to them. You likewise need to dispel misconceptions or remove obstacles that would otherwise prevent your classmates from completing your proposed action. If your call to action is reasonable and manageable, your audience should be left with a desire to help alleviate the problem; more importantly, they should be encouraged to act.
For arrangement, select one of the motivational speech structures discussed in the “Arranging a Motivational Speech” Keyword: either the Motivated Sequence, Kairotic Sequence, or Obstacle Sequence. Each type as various advantages and disadvantages, and some will probably fit your issue better than others. It is up to you to pick the format that will best help you motivate your classmates. During the speech itself, you should clearly preview the main points and use clear signposts and transitions throughout the speech to reinforce this structure.
Regarding style, memory, and delivery, this speech should represent the culmination of your efforts throughout the semester. This is the final speech, and as such you are expected to bring all the resources you have to bear on making it successful. You should carefully attend to your language choices to use a range of powerful metaphors, verbal imagery, and other devices to persuade. You should also go all-out in rehearsal, solidifying your memory to rely on notes as little as possible and thinking strategically about how to present each section of the speech. If you haven’t read the Keywords on Managing Nerves, Planning Spontaneity, or Speaking Powerfully since the start of the semester, now would be a good time to revisit them.
You have violated the genre if:
- Your intensity turns off those who may not already be convinced. Remember that there is a difference between being passionate about something and relying on emotion so heavily that it makes others uncomfortable or defensive. Your job is fundamentally about convincing your peers to undertake some action or labor, and not every message necessarily demands the same type of passionate, emotional appeal (though some messages do!). Ultimately, you need to draw upon the full repertoire of rhetorical resources to motivate audience members.
- Your speech focuses on changing people’s beliefs rather than altering their behavior. While belief and behavior are linked, one does not always lead to other. Your speech should instead strive to identify obstacles, misconceptions, or other barriers to action and offer strategies for overcoming them.
- Your speech suggests some kind of change beyond the individual power of your classmates. Remember that your solutions need to involve behaviors that ordinary people can undertake. If the actions you suggest would require too much commitment or go too far beyond any single person’s means, you’ve likely chosen too large of a problem to tackle for this speech. Likewise, if all of your suggested actions require people to confront policymaking institutions (e.g., telling people to write a letter to Congress), there’s a chance you’ve written a Policy speech in disguise.
- Time limit: 4-6 minutes (see time penalties on grading rubric)
- Visual aid: Use of a visual aid is optional, but strongly encouraged, for this speech. If you choose to use a visual aid, the visuals should be integrated into the presentation smoothly and follow the strategies discussed in class and in our Keyword reading.
- Sources: The speech should include at least 4 sources collected from credible research outlets. These sources should be clearly, audibly stated out loud with enough information (e.g., author, date, and source) that a person could easily locate it by searching. This research may help explain audience obstacles, provide context for the need you are trying to establish, or otherwise lend credibility to your argument. Your formal audience analysis can be cited for one of these sources. Remember that your goal isn’t merely to meet the bare minimum number of sources, but to convincingly support any claims you make in the speech.
- Presenting: This speech will be presented live over Zoom in small groups, as scheduled in the daily course schedule.
the requirements for the outline
As with your previous two speeches, completing a thorough outline will help you to organize your ideas, plan your presentation, and ensure that your content is well-developed. Moreover, it provides your peers as well as your instructor a chance to provide feedback to help you adapt your message for the speech itself. For the Motivational Speech, your outline can help you discern how to best arrange your arguments to inspire your audience to action. It should draw upon guidance in the Keyword on Arranging a Motivational Speech.
Remember that this outline is not the same as the notes you will use while delivering your speech. The outline happens early in the speechwriting process and helps you conceptualize the overall message. As you rehearse your speech, you should use the outline at the beginning to help you internalize major ideas. But gradually, you should move toward relying exclusively on note cards with memory cues. By the time you speak in class, you should speak extemporaneously with only minimal presentation notes. (See the Keyword on Planning Spontaneity for more information.)