UNCCH Systemic Racism in The American Education System Research Paper
My thesis statement is: Students of color struggle academically due to systematic racism in the American education system because of teachers’ implicit bias, a lack of courses centering diversity, and school policies that persistently reflect racist ideologies.
Note from professor about my topic: As currently written, I would expect to see your paper discuss in order teachers’ implicit bias, a lack of courses centering diversity, and racist school policies. If you are talking about one or two specific racial groups, do go ahead and name them in the thesis statement in place of students of color.
Here’s the resources for my paper (please cite in ASA): https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13613…
This research paper will give you the opportunity to conduct research on a topic of your choice related to course material. This topic can be related to your major (if not sociology), your sociological interest (if a sociology major), a current news event, or something from popular culture; however, it must invite a sociological research question related to the study of race and ethnicity. You can use Section 3 and 4 material (including topics not chosen for section 4 during the introductory survey vote) for paper topic inspiration, or you can pursue a related topic not covered in class (extensions of intersectionality, race and ethnicity in another national context, etc.). If you are having trouble formulating your research topic, please meet with me in student hours to discuss (this can count as your required meeting).
The paper must be organized around an argumentative thesis and cite at least five peer-reviewed, scholarly sources. You may include course material as well, but it will not count toward your five sources.
Part of your grade will include meeting with me at least once during student hours (at any point during the semester prior to the paper deadline) to discuss your paper. If your schedule does not permit meeting during student hours, we can communicate over email to meet this requirement. You also need to submit a paper topic, list of references, annotated bibliography, peer review of a group member’s annotated bibliography, and a thesis statement as part of your grade. See the syllabus for due dates.
Your paper is due on Wednesday, May 5 at 11:55 pm (or overnight).
Research papers should be submitted as Word documents and will be graded for clarity of argument and effective use of sources.
Your paper should be 4-6 full double-spaced pages, not counting header or references. If you need extra space, please do not go over 7 pages. You should use ASA format for in-text citations and the references page. You do not need any other pieces of ASA format (running head, abstract, etc.) unless you want to use them. Use the link for ASA: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/asa_style/references_page_formatting. html. If you have a source type not included in the linked resource, email me as soon as possible for assistance. You can also use a citation manager like EndNote or Zotero to format citations.
In general, the research paper for this class is essentially a literature review. It should take the 5-7 citations and make an argument with them. For example, if I were to use the citations from Section 1 for this class, my thesis might state: “Although conventional wisdom suggests that race is an inherited biological fact, it is actually a socially constructed ideology.” I would then take the Evans, Cornell and Hartmann, and Fields readings (and others) and present them in such a way as to make my case.
I would open with an introductory paragraph that starts with a hook or overview and concludes with the above thesis statement. I might begin the paper’s body paragraphs with a paragraph or two that uses existing research to demonstrate that race is not biological. Then I would move into the case for race as socially constructed with a couple of paragraphs. Then I would document how it is an ideology with additional paragraph(s). I would end with a conclusion paragraph about why we should care that race is a socially constructed ideology.