Humanities Homework Help

University of California Irvine Critical Reasoning True & False Questions


I’m working on a humanities test / quiz prep and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

1.For the purposes of this class, we will use “statement” and “proposition” to mean the same thing.

true or false

2.An argument may have an implied conclusion and implied premise(s).

true or false

3.This is considered the “what” of the argument.





4.The purpose of logic is normative; it is meant to tell us how people should make arguments.

true or flase

5.If we know that the premises of an argument are true, then we know the conclusion will be true.

true or false

6.Suppressed evidence and implicit premises are the same thing.

true or false

7.Which of the following are criteria by which we should evaluate arguments? (Check all correct answers.)

Whether the conclusion is vulnerable to new evidence.

Whether all the premises are true.

Whether we agree with its content

Whether the conclusion is at least probable, given the premises.

8.An inductive argument which leaves out evidence which, if known, would change the acceptability of the conclusion, is said to have _______ evidence.

9. In the following argument, the premises are _______ to the conclusion.

California is west of Nevada.
Nevada is west of New York.
Miami is in Florida.

10. Which of the following is a limitation of the Ch 2 evaluative criteria for arguments?

a. they may rely on intuition.

b. they are too concrete.

c.they are too complicated

d.they contradict each other.

11. These fallacies occur when the probability of the conclusion (given the premises) is lower than the arguer supposes.

Which of the following steps should we take when we encounter a fallacy?

(Check all correct answers)

a. tell the other person they committed a fallacy and thus lost credibility

b.determine where in the argument it happens

c. remedy it

d. identify it

13.These fallacies occur when the language used in the argument is misleading.formal fallacies
