Significance of Veils to Muslim Women Discussion
I’m working on a religion writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
The posted interview this week featuring Dr. Leila Ahmed is from several years ago. Yet, the author makes several points that are extremely cogent in understanding the wearing of the headscarf/veil in different societies. What do YOU understand, from her presentation, about the difference(s) of what a veil/headscarf may signify..let us say, in Afghanistan as to any city in the United States. This is part ONE of the assignment
Part two of the assignment . The French government has ruled that the headscarf/veil is banned for Muslim girls in public schools. How do YOU think Professor Ahmed would answer the question if she were asked as to what effect such a ban would have among French Muslim activists, female or otherwise. Please note: the focus is on what Professor Ahmed would probably offer, NOT on your personal opinion.
(as an aside, please note that Professor Ahmed also has issues with the “meaning” of “Islam” being rendered as “submission.”
This assignment needs to be about 250 words
Link to interview:…