UNCG Religion and Support for Suicide Attacks Article Discussion
What makes the Ginges article quantitative research? Use quotes from the article to explain how the authors gather and analyze evidence for their claims.
What makes the Rinker article qualitative research? Use quotes from the article to explain how the author gathers and analyzes evidence for his claims.
- What do you think is the value of using quantitative methods to study terrorism? What do you think is the value of using qualitative methods to study terrorism?
After reading the Rinker (2016) article, “Buckle in the Hindu Belt,” think through the following questions:
- What do you think the main argument is?
- To make his argument, how did Rinker gather and analyze evidence for his claims?
- Take a moment to write down all the clues you got from the reading as to the methods used by Rinker.
Now that you have this list, identify at least two research methods you might like to use in your own research.