head studies in color drawing media
Head Studies in Color Drawing Media (GRADED DISCUSSION)
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Explore color drawing media to produce an initial head study
as an exercise in observational drawing.
Investigate the differences in the facial hemispheres to determine likeness.
Include a shoulder line. Examine the relationship of the chin to the shoulder line.
Try some sketch book gestures, then note that worker larger provides room for detailing.
Work from your choice of the following:
- a live subject
- a self-portrait mirror image
- a reference image
Submit an embedded image of your drawing and and respond thoughtfully to at least two other submissions.
Review or download proportions of the skull. Download Review or download proportions of the skull.Minimize File Preview
Note the use of color and how the cross-contours of the material application define planes:
Elizabeth Catlett, War Worker, tempera on paper on masonite, 1943
Consider the following:
Use complements or near complements to desaturate color.
Explore arbitrary hue or an economic use of color.
Maintain your range of value.