Humanities Homework Help

Howard Community College Ronald Cotton Wrongful Eyewitness Conviction Questions


I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need support to help me learn.

Watch the video and answer the questions below:Eyewitness Testimony Part 1 – YouTube

  1. Were you surprised by how easily Ronald Cotton was convicted? How convincing do you think Jennifer’s testimony was?
  1. Were you surprised to learn that memories can actually be corrupted, such that Jennifer actually saw Ronald’s face in her memory even after she knew he was not really the rapist?
  1. How much of an issue, if any, do you think race played in Ronald’s wrongful conviction?
  1. Did this story change any opinions you held about the criminal justice system? If so, how?
  1. Why do you think Ronald and Jennifer were able to become such good friends? Did that surprise you? Why or why not?
  1. What helped Ronald get through his time in prison?

7. Find a case similar to this on the internet (wrongful eyewitness conviction). Post a link to the story. How is this story similar to Ronald’s story?