Humanities Homework Help

Art activity



  • Read the instructions.
  • Complete your activity.
  • Use the checklist and review the rubric.
  • Prepare and submit your assignment correctly.

In this activity, you get to color – that’s right, just like a kid!

  • Visit the Van Gogh Museum and download/print the View of the Sea coloring page.
    • If you don’t have access to a printer, put a piece of paper up to your computer screen and trace it OR free-hand the composition in black marker or dark pencil to the best of your ability.
    • Here is the link Van Gogh View of the Sea at Scheveningen (Links to an external site.).
    • Color the scene with crayons, markers or color pencils.
    • Target, Walmart, the Dollar Store are great options for inexpensive supplies.
  • Demonstrate your understanding of color theory by following these three rules:
    1. Use the principles of atmospheric perspective to color the background along the horizon.
    2. Color the figures in the foreground with warm colors only.
    3. Color the boat and the reflection of the boat with a complementary pair. Meaning, whatever color you use for the boat (hull, mast) use its complement to color its reflection.
  • Label and photograph the image correctly.
    • Write your name, course & section, and date on three separate lines in the upper right corner.
    • Photograph the coloring page on the a flat surface with all four edges of the paper visible.