Omnipotence and Teletransporter Philosophy Discussion
1.Respond to one of these prompts and be clear about which one you are referring to:
Prompt #1: Omnipotence. Is the paradox of omnipotence a strong reason to not believe in a deity? Explain.
Prompt #2: Would you step into a teletransporter if one were to be invented? Why/Why not?
Discussion Board Assignments: Each week, you will be asked to work with a small group of your peersto respond to open-answer questions based on the course materials. To receive full participation points, you will need to post a substantiveresponse to the open-answer questions and provide critical feedback to at least two of your peers .
You will have an opportunity to earn up to 1.5 points per week for your participation in discussion boards. Grading Rubric: 0 points: no activity; .5 points: provided meaningful feedback to two or more classmates but no original response to the prompt; 1points: crafted an original response to the prompt but did notprovide meaningful feedback to two or more classmates; 1.5points: crafted an original response to the prompt and providedmeaningful feedback to two or more classmates.
A substantive post is generally >100 words and introduces a new idea or is a meaningful response to another person’s post. When responding to another person’s post, please either expand the thought, add additional insights, or respectfully disagree andexplain why.