FIU Complexity of The Technology Driven Dilemmas Facing Humans Essay
I’m studying and need help with a Political Science question to help me learn.
- In the Techno-Human Condition, Allenby and Sarewitz hope to make suggestions for dealing with the problems created by technology that “combine the pragmatic with the radical.” According to the authors, we cannot think our way out of the complexity of the technology-driven dilemmas facing humans, but we rather should what?
- What do Allenby and Sarewitz list as existential challenges to human society as a result of our lack of understanding the essence of the techno-human condition?
- Why do Allenby and Sarewitz blame our “Enlightenment instincts” for our inability to address the complexity of today’s technology-driven dilemmas?
- Allenby and Sarewitz list a handful of principles that they claim should guide actions for engaging the increasingly complex world, including conflict. How do these principles stand in contrast to approaches generated by the Enlightenment?
- Allenby and Sarewitz provide a list of questions one might ask when decisions about emerging science and technology are to be made. What is at the core of these questions; what characteristic of decisions to they point to?